Now page: What I’m doing now

What I’m doing now

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

Updated October 12th, 2024, from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Business & side projects

  • I recently joined Cliq Digital as a Senior Full-Stack Developer, in the heart of the beautiful city of Amsterdam.
  • – At the moment of writing I reached almost 9000 letters! I also wrote a post about it (in Italian) to document the journey!
  • I am currently building a Website Performance Monitoring Tool based on Laravel 11.

Hobbies & interests

  • I work out at the gym at least 3 times weekly (mostly 4 times), mostly boxing bag training and sometimes sparring. I am focused on my strength and conditioning.
  • I am still studying and practicing Dutch, my goal is to understand and speak fluently.
  • Salsa time! Attending salsa lessons to improve my footwork and partner combinations.
  • I am still producing music, and I do features as a scratcher DJ in many Italian underground Hip Hop productions. Here is something from 2023.


After reading Clean Code, Clean Architecture, and The Clean Coder books, I am now reading:

  • Soft Skills: The Software Developer’s Life Manual by John Sonmez
  • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides AKA “The Gang of Four”.



Salsa playlist
Scratch music playlist
Blues classic playlist


Rakim – Reb7rth

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